Supplier Manager + Supplier Auditor Software

Improve Supplier Quality and Compliance with Supplier Risk Management and Audit Software

Supplier Manager and Supplier Auditor

Ensure Supply Chain Continuity and Mitigate Risks with Improved Supplier Performance Management

To maintain supply chain continuity, mitigate responsible sourcing risks, and promote supplier sustainability, organizations must effectively engage global suppliers for information into their business practices, and assess their responses on industry-standard criteria. Fortunately, you can streamline your supplier engagement, audit, and risk management programs with a comprehensive digital solution to manage supplier profiles, assess risks, and drive supplier performance improvements—all within a single solution.

Benchmark Gensuite’s supplier performance management software, Supplier Manager + Supplier Auditor, offers sourcing and cross-functional teams a centralized platform to engage suppliers for critical information, including industry-standard protocols and customizable assessments across key risk and performance areas for environmental, sustainability, safety, financial, labor, and more. With the award-winning Supplier Manager solution, you can streamline your supplier risk management, audit and corrective action, and responsible sourcing activities.

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Why Supplier Manager + Supplier Auditor for Your Responsible Sourcing Program?

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Centralize Supplier Data:

Collect and monitor all your supplier profile information in a centralized platform.

Enhance Supplier Auditing Processes:

Simplify supplier risk assessments and scoring, analyze audit findings, and trend results to improve supplier conformance and performance.

Simplify Risk Assessments:

View real-time supplier status with color-coding for approval/risk status and pending corrective actions.

Drive Continuous Improvement:

Gain insight into supplier sustainability practices and supply chain continuity risks to improve ESG performance.

Enable Better Decision Making:

Conduct supplier assessments and compile performance data with out-of-the-box reporting and analytics capabilities.

Learn how you can engage suppliers to mitigate risks and decrease supply chain disruptions with supplier performance management software.

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Features & Benefits

Optimize Supplier Engagement, Sustainability, and Performance.

Engage Suppliers for Performance Data

Capture supplier information and risk assessment findings in one platform for a clear picture of your supply chain.

Track & Correct Supplier Issues

Identify regulatory and operational concerns and assign responsibility to close action items.

Assess Supplier Compliance

Schedule audits on a routine basis to manage ongoing assessments and ensure supplier conformance with industry and organizational standards.

Take Your Program to the Next Level with Advanced Tech & AI​

Our Product Stewardship solutions seamlessly integrate with these AI and advanced technologies to increase your insights and maximize your impact.

DXP | Data Integrator​

Seamlessly integrate, transform, and publish data across your organization & Benchmark Gensuite solutions.​

Green and Blue System Interoperability APIs
Platform APIs​

Experience seamless integration & productivity with a harmonized digital ecosystem.​

White Transparent Analytics Tableau Icon
Dashboards & Analytics​

Unlock the power of your data through robust visualizations & reports— powered by Tableau®.​

See What People are Saying

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Complete Supplier Due Diligence Management:

Extend supplier due diligence and compliance programs in one platform.

Connect Directly with Suppliers:

Integrate with IT systems to share data.

Automate Conflict Minerals Reporting:

Auto-generate your CMRT for your customers.

Improve Performance Tracking:

Easily measure responsible sourcing priorities.

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