Press Release

Benchmark Announces CDP Participation in 2022 Benchmark Gensuite Impact Conference

Cincinnati, Ohio, June 6, 2022 –Benchmark Digital Partners LLC is excited to announce the participation of CDP at the 2022 Benchmark ESG Impact Conference Europe. Headquartered in London, CDP is regarded as the gold standard of environmental reporting all over the globe, with its rich, comprehensive dataset on corporate and city action and we’re thrilled that Nathan Cole, Senior Manager – CDP Reporter Services, will be joining us in Dublin on July 7th, sharing his insights on the state of the Sustainability and ESG industry, and, in particular, the implications of the recent mandate for the TCFD.

CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is an international not-for-profit organization that runs the global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts and take urgent action to build a truly sustainable economy.

Located in Dublin, Ireland, the European Regional Conference (July 6-8) is set to be Benchmark’s most expansive regional gathering of customers, prospective customers, partners, guest speakers, and Benchmark team members this year outside of the Headquartered hosted Impact Conference in the US. Focusing on Sustainability & ESG, and the Risk+Compliance solutions that are the underpinning of ESG, the Impact Conference allows business leaders and industry experts to connect, collaborate, and learn how Benchmark ESG’s latest developments can unlock higher levels of operational and program excellence.

About Benchmark ESG®

Benchmark ESG® enables companies to implement robust cross-functional Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) digital solutions – locally, globally and across diverse operating profiles. Our comprehensive cloud-based software suite features intuitive, best-practice process functionality, flexible configurations and powerful extensions. For over two decades and through 2020 under the Gensuite® brand, we’ve helped companies to manage safe & sustainable operations worldwide, with a focus on fast return on investment (ROI), service excellence and continuous innovation. Join over 3,000,000 users that trust Benchmark ESG® with their software system needs for operational risk and compliance, EHS, sustainability, product stewardship and responsible sourcing.

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Jen Weaver

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